The minutes of board meetings are an essential tool for fostering transparency, accountability, and risk-reduction. How your minutes are recorded can determine the quality of your meeting. If they are needed in the future for legal reasons, sloppy, inaccurate or unclear minutes of board meetings can be a risk. It’s important to understand what information is required and what information can be excluded.

The date, the date, the time and the place The details will ensure that the minutes provide an accurate representation of the meeting. It is important to keep track of whether the meeting was a regular or special. It’s also important to note whether the meeting was annual or regular.

Summary of the agenda: Include the main aspects of any reports that were submitted to the board as well as any alternatives to be considered for major decisions. You should also note the results of the decision-making process including any vote taken.

Attendance: Making the same person be the one to take the meeting minutes at every meeting and an alternate in the event of absent will lead to more uniform, clearer minutes. It’s also helpful to use past minutes as templates, so that any new minute-taker is comfortable with the process.

Keep to the facts and not the emotional drama Avoid personal critiques, disagreements or arguments, and political commentary out of your time. Idle chat, jokes news recaps, current events, and other unrelated conversation must be kept out of the minutes, too. It’s also essential to record the revision timeline of the minutes so that any changes are made explicit.